Jun 2, 2024
In the competitive world of e-commerce, running a sale is not just about slashing prices—it's about smart marketing and strategic execution.
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Running a sale for your E-commerce brand? Here's how to do it on Google ads

Written by our experts at Cali Social, a Brisbane-based Google ads agency.

In the competitive world of e-commerce, running a sale is not just about slashing prices—it's about smart marketing and strategic execution. Sales promotions are essential for driving traffic, clearing inventory, and ultimately, boosting your bottom line. One of the most effective platforms for promoting your e-commerce sales is Google Ads. With its vast reach and powerful targeting capabilities, Google Ads can help you connect with your ideal customer just when they're ready to buy.

We’re going to explore how to leverage Google Ads effectively to promote your ecommerce sale. From setting up your campaign to analysing its success, each step will help you maximize your advertising efforts to achieve your sales goals.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Before launching a Google Ads campaign or hiring a Google ads agency for your ecommerce sale, it's crucial to define what you aim to achieve. Are you looking to clear out last season's inventory, increase overall sales volume, or perhaps attract new customers? Setting clear, measurable objectives at the outset will guide your advertising strategy and help you measure its success later on.

Start by identifying specific targets:

Sales Targets: Define a realistic increase in sales volume or revenue that you aim to achieve.

Customer Acquisition: Set goals for attracting new customers, considering the cost to acquire each customer and the expected lifetime value they bring.

Brand Exposure: Determine how much you want to expand your brand recognition and by what metrics you will measure this growth (e.g., increased traffic to your website, more followers on social platforms).

By aligning your Google Ads campaign with these objectives, you can tailor your advertising efforts to be more effective and ensure that every dollar spent may it be on your own or with a Google ads agency contribute towards achieving your business goals.

Understanding Google Ads Campaign Types

Google Ads offers a variety of campaign types that can be tailored to fit the needs of your e-commerce sale. Each type has unique features and benefits, making it crucial to choose the right one for your goals.

Search Campaigns are perfect for capturing demand when potential customers are actively searching for products like yours. These ads appear in Google's search results and are typically text-based. Consider adding headlines such as ‘Sale Now On – 4 days Only!’ or ‘25% Discount Just For You’ to help increase click-through-rate during your sale.

Display Campaigns allow you to place visually appealing ads on a vast network of websites across the internet. This type is excellent for building brand awareness and retargeting users who have visited your site but didn't make a purchase.

Shopping Campaigns showcase your products directly in Google’s search results and Google Shopping, featuring photos, prices, and store information. Adding promotions through Google Merchant Center can make these listings even more attractive by highlighting special offers.

Remarketing Campaigns are essential for reconnecting with users who have interacted with your website. By targeting past visitors, these ads help increase conversion rates by reminding potential customers of the products they considered but did not buy, especially when there is a sale on!

Targeting Your Audience

Successful Google Ads campaigns hinge not only on crafting the perfect ad but also on accurately targeting the audience most likely to be interested in your ecommerce sale. Define who your ideal customers are based on demographics, geographic location, and interests. Find an agency that knows your locality like a Google ads agency Brisbane. Use Google’s targeting tools to segment your audience for more personalised advertising, ensuring your ads reach those most likely to respond.

Creating Compelling Ad Content

Effective ad content attracts attention and communicates your message clearly and persuasively. Ensure your ad copy is concise and focused on the benefits that matter most to your target audience. Use high-resolution images or engaging videos to make your ads stand out. Remember to include a strong call to action, like "Shop Now" or "Get 50% Off," to encourage clicks and conversions. Adding a Countdown timer to your ad can be a really effective way of creating urgency!

Measuring and Analysing Campaign Performance

To ensure the success of your Google Ads campaigns, it’s critical to measure and analyse their performance. Focus on key performance indicators like click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per conversion. Use Google Analytics to get deeper insights into how users interact with your website post-click and optimise your campaigns based on data-driven insights.


Running a sale for your ecommerce brand using Google Ads requires careful planning, precise targeting, and compelling ad content. By setting clear goals, crafting engaging ads, and continuously measuring performance, you can ensure that your sales promotions reach the right audience and achieve your business objectives. Implement these strategies to enhance your promotions and watch your ecommerce store thrive, but as always don’t forget to promote you sale on multiple different platforms and don’t just rely on Google!